What Is Lash Primer? Guide To Choose The Right One.
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What is lash primer? Why do numerous lash artists say the product is the secret behind up to 8 weeks of lash retention? Click now to see the reason.
If you are a novice in the lash artist world, it is probably not the first time you hear other lash artists discuss lash primer and wonder, "What is lash primer"? Is it important to the eyelash extension process? Why is there an unstoppable debate regarding the product?
Well, in the frame of today's sharing, LBLS would like to introduce to you an amazing product that changes the lash game to the next level: The Lash Primer and how to choose the right one for you.
Don't let you wait much longer. Let's move to the main part now!
What Is Lash Primer? Guide To Choose The Right One.
There are thousands of lash extension primers out there. It is overwhelming. So, how can you pick the right one? Some strategies to focus your search if you're unsure where to begin.
Check The Lash Primer Ingredient
The first and foremost step you need to do is check and see the lash extension primer components. How can you choose a Primer without understanding what the bottle holds? The more the brand shares about the ingredient in the bottle, the better they prove they care about their product.
Besides, how the brand shares about the product's use and answers all your questions mean they are confident about the product.
We have a separate article to analyze and provide all needed information about Primer, which clients are suitable to use and who is not for you here. Before reading this, check it first to have overall Primer's overall information.
Set A Budget
There are low-end, middle and high-end Lash Primers, similar to any other lash extension product. Establish your spending limit and search inside it.
In fact, there are several lash extensions products that lash artists may want to consider carefully to plan the expense before spending. Lash primer is the one you should do the same. Because akin to eyelash extensions, the frequency you use lash primer is often. It is also one product that can decide the success of the lash extension set.
You may want to plan how many bottles you need for a week, a month, a quarter and a year. From that, let's check more information about the price.
At LBLS, we always have the “buy in a bulk” policy. It is one saving investment that you might want to look further into!
Get The Overall Information Online.
The third step is to get the general information about the lash extension Primer.
Try looking for online information to look at the reviews and filter by price range.
When doing this, don't just stop on Google; you should visit the brand page, website, and other social network groups where you can hear more about the experiences of people who bought and used. That is useful information that you can take note of. Some review videos are also a good source of reference.
For more assistance, you may also visit the store to hear and get a lash primer consultant from each brand. Sometimes, what you get online is not 100% correct. After hearing the consultant and explanation from a professional or brand representative, you can get the whole picture and more credibility of one product.
Stick To Your Favourite Brand
This is not a piece of new information. However, it is worth a reference. We advise you to stick with a brand with which you have the best experience. Check to see whether the lash extension brand you already use has a primer if you're a fan of them. The advantages of each product will be increased if you combine them because they are frequently created to work in tandem.
For example, at LBLS, we produce Magic Glue for Promade lashes. You can get the best retention when two products have a chance to go hand in hand. When we manufacture a series of products, we always think of how to make it work best altogether. From Primer and lash extensions to lash glue and even an aftercare kit.
We believe in consistency and are loyal to developing products that will make the best out of them.
Buy A Combo
Finding a bundle that contains both a primer and other Primer or lash extensions, etc., is the simplest and most economical method to make your choice! Don't just look for a Primer. You can ask if your favourite brand has a combo that includes the Primer.
Another tip is to buy at holiday and festive, which is the opportunity to get a discounted price. If you buy a large quantity, ask to be their partner to get a more attractive price.